The bots are coming, the bots are coming. It looks like 2016 may be the year personal computing becomes intelligent.#

9 things Alexa can't yet do - CNET. I've heard it said that Alexa may be the next iteration of the computer user interface, or even the computer of the future. If this is true at some point Alexa needs to drive visual media as more data is transmitted visually than by audio. Eg. Alexa, play the current expisode of Daredevil or Alexa, show me the five month chart of HPE. #

Regis McKenna's 1976 Notebook And The Invention Of Apple Computer, Inc. is a fascinating article by Harry McCracken for Fast Company about Apple's original marketing and how consistent has been through 40 years.#

Well, it's April. #

© 2015 Frank McPherson.
Last update: Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 11:15 AM.
Reallll soooon now...