I am trying the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter with my Surface 3 and HP monitor and finding the experience to not be as smooth as desired.#

Just realized that the Pascual watch face on the Moto 360 shows appointment times. Cool.#

Several hours later, my Evernote reminders finally appear in Todoist. Looks like Powerapp needs a speed boost. Maybe it's an initial set up thing?#

I love the ease at which Google Photos gathers and categorizes my photos, but I wish it provided an easy way for me to use those photos on my blogs and web sites.#

I've been working in IT for more than 20 years, and I swear that we have been talking about changing the culture of IT for all 20 of those years. Perhaps the trick is figuring out how to live within the current culture rather than constantly trying to change something that appears to not be destined for change.#

© 2015 Frank McPherson.
Last update: Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 6:25 PM.
It's even worse than it appears.