The OnePlus One Has Launched: Snapdragon 801, 1080p, and CyanogenMod for $300. Not sure that I am sold on a 5.5 inch screen, but I do like the pricing. No information yet about how and when one can purchase it. I wish it had wireless charging.#

Amazon bringing older HBO shows to Prime Instant Video members for free.#

One hundred years ago today the Chi-Feds played the Kansas City Packers in the first game at Weegham Park, which later became known as Wrigley Field. The Chi-Feds, managed by Joe Tinker, won 9-1. Happy birthday Wrigley Field!#

100 years later the Kansas City Packers (role played by the Arizona Diamondbacks) get their revenge, beating the Chi-Feds (role played by the Chicago Cubs) 7-5.#

Wrigley calm before the hoopla. Game time today is 2:30 PM EST. #

© 2015 Frank McPherson.
Last update: Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:06 PM.
It's even worse than it appears.